Oh yes, it blows your mind, doesn't it? I got it into my head that I wanted to have some sort of cherry blossom decal in our bedroom, but I couldn't find any that were the right scale for the room. I had the same issue with stencils. Then, I saw a picture in a magazine of a tree painted freehand on a wall and I kept it in the back of my mind as a possibility, but knew I could never pull something like that off myself.
Well, when we had the house painted, we met Kelsey, Cecil's assistant. She is about our age. We got to talking (she is pretty awesome) and it turns out that she dabbles in art in her free time. She was showing me some of her work that she had on her camera and I talked to her about commissioning a painting for the bonus room that I had envisioned. Later, when I was in the car, I remembered that I wanted to do this cherry tree painting in the bedroom and it occurred to me to ask her to try to do it. So I rushed home and we talked about it and she was totally excited. Anyway, she has been at the house for the past two days painting it on the wall. It turned out EXACTLY as I envisioned. She even included some falling petals like I mentioned to her. I am just in love with it. It's even more sweet in person. More pictures of are on my Flickr page.