Friday, May 16, 2008

Local Wine

I am always interested in local wines, although I find that more often than not they aren't very good. This is one such example. Yuck-- it tasted like the white wine version of Manischewitz (which is this foul kosher wine that is really like alcoholic grape juice). As you can see, I served this wine in interesting glassware, because I felt it wasn't worth using a wine glass.

(Wednesday May 14, 2008)


Erin Palmer said...

Sorry :( You should hire Matt as your wine consultant! I don't know if he could personally deliver to you though.....

Adina said...

I would LOVE to have a personal wine consultant. I love your food blog-- tell Matt he should blog about more white wines...reds give me a headache.

Erin Palmer said...

I did tell him that!! I made him taste 3 white wines the other day so he can write about them. Stay tuned....

Adina said...

Yay-- can't wait!