Tuesday, November 25, 2008

And what have we here?

My grandparents are in New Mexico with my Uncle Michael for Thanksgiving this year and I'm not going out to Arizona to see my parents until Christmas, so we are having a small Thanksgiving festivity tomorrow (instead of Thursday, because Alex is working). It's just going to be us and Alex. I thought about just making a turkey breast, but a whole turkey is so much more fun. Steph has even consented to eat meat! I put the turkey in a bucket to brine it and the cats were hilarious about it. They came over and tried to swat at it and then when we put it out in the backyard they threw themselves up against the glass door, attempting to get outside and claim their turkey prize. I will give them the giblets tomorrow after I use them to make gravy, because I am kind and generous like that.


goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......

Anonymous said...

Steph doesn't eat meat either? Tis a pity. I bet those kitties will salivate all over those giblets...

Anonymous said...

I can't find your damn email address but I wanted to say that if your veterinarian friend wouldn't mind, I'd love to email her and ask for advice/opinion.

Also, I'm coming back to Nashvizzie 23rd-29th! Woot!