Friday, March 14, 2008

Pop goes the weasal

Over the summer I went to this vineyard outside of Nashville and bought a bunch of cheap, decent wine. I decided I wanted some the other night, but it needed to be chilled. I put it in the freezer, thinking I could chill it quickly and then drink it. Well, I forgot about it and the next morning I opened the freezer and saw that not only was the wine completely frozen, but the pressure had caused the cork and the foil wrapper to pop off. Not one to waste wine, I "defrosted" it and drank it. Sad, but true.


Erin Palmer said...

Not sad! Did you drink it like a slushie?

Adina said...

No, but I should have! slushie...I bet that would taste so good.

Unknown said...

Yeah, a wine slushie is what I would have no matter the time of day!!! Isn't it funny how we can forget what we've just done? Like, how do you forget you wanted a glass of wine? I do that all the time. (well, not with wine, but other things)It's scary!

Adina said...

I know! The human mind is a funny thing.

Andrew J said...

It made for a good photo, so it was worth it! Haha.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to try that, but I have the feeling it wouldn't turn out that good for me. I'm envisioning a mess in the freezer.

My life is just kind of that way!