Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ice Storm

On Tuesday it snowed a bit, but what really caused a problem was the ice that followed the snow. We woke up on Wednesday and found an icy wonderland outside, if you define wonderland as a death trap and an invitation to fall on your ass or your face.

The city of Baltimore has one of the highest city tax rates in the country, but what services do you get for your money? Answer: not much. Our street is never plowed or salted, nor are the sidewalks. The street became passable in the afternoon, but the sidewalk remained perilous through the evening.

The first photo is of the killer sidewalk...

2nd photo: A close-up of the corner of 32nd St. and Guilford Ave...

3rd picture: looking up 32nd St...

Last photo: intersection of Guilford Ave. and 32nd St. (our apartment, not pictured, is right on the corner)...


Anonymous said...

I would be inside watching movies and making weird recipes.

Adina said...

Well, we did spend pretty much the entire evening making/eating chocolate chip cookies and watching the 4th season of The Wire.