Steph got rear-ended on the way to work this morning. She went to the ER and she is fine other than some head, neck, and back pain, but as you can see, her car was not as lucky. She was able to drive it back home this afternoon (she got the day off), but I think we're going to have to have it towed to the auto body shop. It sounds really loud and the muffler is hanging on by a thread.
Hopefully the guy who hit her has decent insurance and this won't turn into a big debacle. I also hope that we're able to get our stuff out of the trunk before the weekend. We had planned to go camping and so we bought some sleeping bags and other supplies, but we never took them in from her car. That shows what laziness will get you! But the most important thing is that she's safe.
Oh dear, the car does not look good. I am glad that Steph is OK. I though things were "slower" in the south!
While many things are slower, drivers are not included. Actually, the speed limits here are higher. On route 40, the speed limit is 70 mph. And while I agree that the car does not look good, I have to admit that I am impressed that it good the impact of a Ford Explorer at about 40 mph so well. If you look at the damage to the car, the structure is intact, but the metal just peeled away like it was skin or something. Gotta love Japanese cars.
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