Since I am pretty much confined to my sickbed, Steph took pity on me and went to Best Buy and bought me a Nintendo DS-Lite. It is good because it gives me something to do in bed that doesn't require too much concentration. I tried reading a bit, but I'm too drugged to really concentrate. So far I've played Brain Academy and Super Mario World. She also got me Donkey Kong, but I haven't played it yet. I was looking through the Nintendo catalog and I see that they have Animal Crossing for DS. I am going to have to get that one.
Andrew and/or Chad, you should call me or e-mail me and tell me all I need to know about my new toy!
Today has been an improvement over yesterday. It is easier to walk to the bathroom and I also walked to the kitchen today! Go me!
(Monday October 8, 2007)
Ohhhhh DS lite!!!! I'm playing Zelda Phantom Hourglass right now. I love the DS. We both have Animal Crossing so if you get it, we can go on Wi-Fi and visit each other's towns! Yahooo!!!!
Oooh, really? That sounds incredible. I am going to send Steph out to get it tomorrow then! (because I'm so great at waiting, you know)
You guys are too much...Animal Crossing is such a cute game!
You two have had some bad luck lately. First the back of the car and NOW your back Adina...I hope that is the end of it.
Andrew, I got Animal Crossing today and I am going to come and visit you guys and check out your towns. What kind of fruit do you have?
I miss the dump and the police station from the GameCube version!
I can't wait until they come out with a Wii version of Animal Crossing.
Kathy, thanks for the well wishes. Isn't bad luck supposed to come in 3s? If so, I hope the next thing that happens is no big deal. Eeek.
Let's not think about threes...
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