So I took Kathy's advice and went out and found a Wild Birds Unlimited in Nashville. I'm so glad I went because this cute gay girl helped me and she was so sweet and informative. I had no clue what to buy; it was very overwhelming. Also, while driving to the store, I happened upon Berry Hill, an adorable neighborhood filled with interesting shops. I can't wait to check some of them out! So now I have this tube feeder hanging off the deck, filled with seed. So far no customers, but we did see a hummingbird come up to our lime tree on the deck today to drink nectar from the flowers.
(Wednesday August 22, 2007)
That is such a neat hanger you got. I am so happy you found one. The birds will come, just wait. You don't have to soak bread in water, just throw out dry, old bread. It will take time...if you feed them, they will come.
I am very impatient, I know! We have tons of butterflies in the garden out front, so at least we have those to occupy us while we wait for the birds.
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